Happy Saturday! Thank you all so much for your book recommendations on my Book Review post – I can’t wait to read so many of them, and I was also thrilled to learn I’m not the only crazy who reads cookbooks for relaxing entertainment! The winner of the free book is… #13 – Arenda Congratulations […]
Oven Hot Pizza Dip
Sometimes you just need a good quick, hot, dip. Before you get any wrong ideas, that picture should clear things up. Hot Pizza Dip, hooray! Chelsea’s away gallivanting in the snow this week, so while she enjoys some well-earned R & R you all get stuck with all me, all the time! Ha. :) But […]
Hearty Minestrone Soup
On a cold, gray, rainy or snowy day, nothing beats a good bowl of soup. If you’re feeling sniffly, achy, and generally unwell, nothing beats a good bowl of soup. When you are a poor student/waitress at the Old Spaghetti Factory and get unlimited free soup, nothing beats a good bowl of soup. There is […]
Quick Crustless Quiche
Quick Crustless Quiche. Say that 5 times fast. Fun, right?! So let’s talk about Breakfast for Dinner. I am not a big breakfast person, so, while I have to eat breakfast to avoid a massive crazy mood swing by 9:00, I tend to stick to a muffin or scone, or a smoothie…something light, reasonably nutritious, […]
White Cheese and Chicken Lasagna
You know when you have one of those moments where you are praying that a) no one is watching, and b) a store has no security cameras? No, no, I didn’t steal anything, and I think my mistake can really be made by anyone. At least, that’s what I’ll tell myself. I love automatic doors. They are […]
“Why Women Need Fat” and Dark Chocolate Mousse Recipe
I have a few pieces of fantastic news for you today. 1) I am going to tell you (if you’re a woman) about a book that explains why you need to eat more fat and why the fat you have is a healthy thing. 2) I have an awesome chocolate mousse recipe made with […]
Saturday Sweets: Almond Joys
Rumor has it Chelsea has been promising more healthy meals on the blog…but until we have evidence to back that up, carry on coming over for a sweet fix! :) I do actually have several dinner recipes I can’t wait to share with you, and am so happy to be back on meal planning track […]
Ham & Lentil Soup
I hope you all had a great Christmas dinner or three! I am still beyond full from the two I enjoyed, neither of which I had to prepare, although I did make large quantities of these potatoes, Chocolate Ecstasy, and Pumpkin Toffee Cheesecake. Now the leftovers sitting in my fridge make me sad I don’t […]
Chocolate Meringue Cookies
Have you met my new friend Meringue? I was a little skeptical at first, but, like many people, the things I sometimes end up liking the most are the ones that I have the most doubts about. While this does not bade well for my character judgment, not to mention books, movies, etc., I love […]
Pumpkin Toffee Cheesecake
For us Canadians, Thanksgiving has come and gone and some of us are already in full Christmas mode. I may or may not be done my Christmas shopping already…it helps that I had all of one lovely lady on my list since we’re paring down this year, but I’m feeling accomplished nonetheless! I’m even more […]