Bleak midwinter days call for cheerful tea towels and citrusy fresh-baked muffins. These are super basic little muffins, quick to whip up and guaranteed to make your house smell delicious. Cardamom isn’t the most common spice out there – it’s crucial to chai tea, which I love, but otherwise I don’t use it super often. […]

Simple Family Advent Calendar
Each year when I share my advent calendar, I get a lot of questions about what’s in the bags, and how we do it. While there are a lot of websites with great advent calendar ideas, I wanted something super simple, family friendly, and low budget – less than $100 total, or about $4 per […]

Tortilla Soup
You guys, I promise I make good soup. You certainly can’t tell from the pictures, so you’re going to have to take my word for it. When fall hits, I launch into soup mode. Soup for lunch, soup for dinner, leftover soup for days – it’s my favourite way to eat veggies, and possibly also […]

Yeasted Sour Cream Coffee Cake
I’ve learned a lot about “atmospheric rivers” in the last couple days, as the rain poured down and our kids’ school flooded, along with so many other homes and roads and businesses. Water is an incredible force of nature, and rivers in the sky are no joke. But when you’re unexpectedly at home with wind […]

Monday Moments: Teen Bedroom Makeover
My parents were always pretty accommodating with my regular bedroom redecorating plans. I still remember being about 13 and having my mom give me full rein of the wallpaper and paint selection at our local paint store. Lavender, green, butterflies, a bulletin board and a multi-coloured dresser…I was thrilled. When I moved into the basement […]