Do you like to laugh?
I do.
Do you laugh at people when they are scared?
Me too. Mainly because I am jumpier than a jack rabbit during hunting season, and the chance to laugh at anyone else’s terror makes me happy. If you do not find other people’s fear even vaguely amusing, then you will not enjoy this post.
If you do, read on :).
These pictures are some of the funniest I have seen. Ever. They are taken in an actual haunted house in Niagara Falls, Ontario. This haunted house is supposed to be so scary that you can actual shout “nightmare!!!”, and they turn off the area you are in and let you escape, and even offer you a new pair of undies. (Just kidding about the undies part, but I’m sure they sell them in their gift shop for emergencies).
You thought roller coaster pictures were funny? Child’s play.
These shots are from inside the haunted house, at some of the scariest parts. I have actually written off the rest of the day as far as doing anything productive, since I plan to go through these pictures again and again. I think they actually get funnier every time around. Cruel? No. Am I glad that there have never been any pictures taken (at least not to my knowledge), at haunted houses I have gone to? Most definitely. The human face can do spectacular things, and I know mine is no exception. So for the time being, I will giggle at these unsuspecting strangers.. and avoid any haunted houses just in case :).
Not ladies you want with you in a scary situation…
This couple had actually never met the guy in the grey sweater…
You are NOT leaving without me! Pretty sure the poor girl in the front got caught mid-sneeze, which isn’t really fair:
Pretty sure the guy in the plaid shirt did not get any bravery awards after seeing this photo!
And my favourite… this picture is going to come out at a lot of weddings :D
Hope you enjoyed these as much as I did!
Hahaha, those are priceless. I want to see more!
Very funny :):) Thanks Chelsea.
hahaha love these :) needed a good laugh at this time of day!!
heeheeheehee! hilarious! the guy in the plaid shirt is the best! thanks for a good laugh today! :)