Well, it’s May already! Time has been flying by in a weird kind of way, and we’re already in my favourite season.
We had this shed in the backyard that I talked about painting a year ago when we put in the pavers…
It finally happened, and makes me smile every time I see it. It’s also a cuter backdrop for photos now :)
Meanwhile, Carl stripped, sanded, cleaned and stained the deck and it’s like a whole new space in our own backyard again.
We’ve been so thankful for this little space during this shelter-at-home time. You can spot Gemma’s mural-in-progress in the background above, but she’s been a little distracted by the trampoline.
Carl also used the space to lift a few children for a video camera, since he’s involved in a study about physical activity during Covid-19 and had to show some ideas for using the weight you have handy. Five kids is definitely enough to work up a sweat.
On rainy days the train tracks were in high demand.
And we got our signs all ready to go for Life Week! Since we can’t attend a March for Life in person this year, we’ll be adding to the hearts in our window with a few extra signs. I love how natural the pro-life message is for kids – of course babies need to be protected by their mamas and everyone else!
There’s also been a whole lot of dough around here…an easier sourdough bread and buns, molasses oat bread, regular sandwich bread, pizza dough, and 40-minute hamburger buns (which also made great hot dog buns!) I have to say, you all inspired me in the bread department – I’ve been getting lots of messages about that molasses oat bread and quick sandwich bread, for instance, that I had kind of forgotten about! It’s so fun to pull out and dust off my own recipes and remember why I thought they were worthy of posting.
We got our garden in, which I am hugely excited about after a complete lack of garden last year. This is about 1/3 of it…about half veggies and half flowers spread around the house and in pots, now that my pollen allergy seems to have given up on me!
Anyone else starting to think about how life might look a little different once restrictions are lifted and we can go about our “normal” lives again? Anything you don’t miss at all, or things you can’t wait to get back to?
I just hope there will still be time for early morning and after dinner walks, time to make all my own bread and buns, time to ask friends and family how they’re really doing, time to ask questions and listen to my kids’ stories about school once I’m not so involved anymore.
And of course, I hope there’s always time for naps and books in the sun.
Spring is a really beautiful season.
The shed and deck look great!! They compliment each other very well. The garden also looks great – looking forward to seeing it all in person soon! :)
I always love a blue shed. Looks great!
Awesome pictures, love the one of the kids in front of the shed