My youngest is only my youngest, Lord willing, for one more month, and I’m trying to make sure I spend the time enjoying all his craziness while working on toning down his increasingly screechy and demanding “MOOOOoooom!” when he wants something.
Now if I could just manage to take less-blurry pictures to commemorate this stage, a serious challenge with a little person who is constantly in motion and full of a ridiculous amount of expressive personality.
“What, this old thing?”
“Mooooom. I am fairy cute, right?”
“That pun was for you, Grandpa K. I’m a work in progress.” :)
“THIS is where the wild things are.”
I guess he’s as ready as he’ll ever be for the big brother role :)
Adorable… Soooo cute!
Haha… Im picturing the conversations you two will have when he is older, especially when he hits his teens. Priceless! :)
Ohhhh boy, I am picturing those conversations too and it ain’t pretty ;)
I don’t know how you handle the cuteness. These pics are priceless!
LOL. He is going to LOVE you for taking those photos when he’s older. :)
He is so cute and you’re sure right about the amount of expressive personality! :)