Somehow Father’s Day always sneaks up on us, right in the middle of things starting to get into summer busyness. We don’t really do anything particular to celebrate Mother’s or Father’s Day (let’s not talk about made-up holidays :)) but I love the reminder to be appreciative of all I have in my dad, my husband, and, most importantly, my heavenly Father.
To my dad and to my husband: you both live in a way that mirrors our Father in heaven, making it easy to view the father-child relationship as a positive one, one of unconditional love, support, and joy, and also one including discipline, respect, and obedience. You understand the nature of self-sacrificing love and humble me with your servant hearts. I wasn’t always easy to live with as a child, nor am I now as an adult, and neither of you ever made me feel less than loved. I have never doubted your loyalties and never feared you would leave me, and I know that neither of those is something that can ever be taken for granted.
In a world full of hurt, abandonment and selfishness, may there continue to be men who shine the hope and light of God into this darkness. And may those of us blessed enough to have such men in our lives continue to pray for them, support them, respect them, and, above all, never take them for granted.
Dad says “awwww’ :) “So nice” :)
I love to read about families with good men and women who appreciate their godliness.