Aaah, best-laid plans.
Last week my talented sister Sarah of Unexpected Moments Photography was kind enough to slot us in on a days’ notice to get some 3-year shots of Kristopher to wrap up his annual photo book.
He was fine with the idea of pictures, and loved that he and his little brother even had matching sweaters. Unfortunately, he learned an emphatic “NO” the minute he blew out his 3 birthday candles, and has a stubborn streak I swear doesn’t come from my side of the family ;), both of which made a tempestuous appearance when we entered the studio.
Is it bad that I actually kinda love this photo? Evidence of a phase, forever captured :)
Sarah patiently tried every trick in her (very large) bag of tricks, and managed, after at least 20 minutes, to get this shot:
I couldn’t help but admire his tenacity – he turned down candy, chocolate chips, AND television to maintain his pouty position. That kind of self control is bound to take him far in life.
Cheers to 3-year-olds…they’re a class all their own.
It’s not bad that you kinda love that photo. My favourite picture of my kids is the one where three of my angels are looking like angels, but the youngest one is dropping out of the bottom of the photo because she’s having a tantrum. That photo is framed and staying on my wall even though it’s 2 years old.
Cute pics :) but is 3 seriously worse than 2? I’m already going nuts! Katie is SO stubborn, and you already cant bribe her with anything lol
Sorry to tell you…but it might not get better for awhile :) Too much personality for their own good!
I want the “terrible twos” back please. They were far from terrible, and so far three has been almost beyond terrible. Oh by-gone days of a napping toddler, you are missed.
That being said, these pictures are PRICELESS. You sure weren’t terrible when you were here, Mr Kristopher! We miss you :)
We really should visit at least every other weekend :)
I thought it was supposed to be ‘tranquil threes’ ;) Love the pictures. I bet you can hardly wait to show him these when he is all grown up. Maybe even use them when you do funny speech at his wedding :)
These made my afternoon. Maybe because I still feel like this myself sometimes….
Yes…I used to think he was all Carl, and more and more I realize how well we understand each other, this little boy and I :)
Haha. This is great. His stubbornness is immortalized :)
Haha, ooooh dear. :) That’s so funny, I literally just had a friend tell me this morning that the “terrible twos” were a lie, and it was the “terrible threes” when all the attitude came out!
Sarah forewarned me of the same lie, and she was totally right. Although I guess it’s not “terrible threes” so much as “I have a personality and opinion” threes, which is really pretty cute. :)