Settle in, boys and girls, the pictures are going to come fast and furious today, just like they do in my home.
We signed Gemma up for a one-week art camp this summer to foster her beautiful abundance of creativity, and she loved every minute.
Rather than exhausting her appetite for art, it simply focused her in completely on the creative process, and within the 4 days she was in art camp she produced all the art you’re about to see, and then some, and all this AFTER art camp was over for the day and she was back at home with her familiar markers.
She informed me after class one day, “Aliya told me her mom calls her Queen of Artists when she does art and shows her mom because she’s really good at it.”
Me (knowing exactly where this is going): “Hmmm, that’s neat, hey?”.
Gemma (shyly): “Maybe you could call me that sometimes? Because…I’m pretty good at art…”
I couldn’t resist obliging, much to her quiet, embarassed delight later that day :) Here are just a few samples, along with her descriptions to me!

Going to church – Mom carrying the carseat and holding Gemma’s hand, while Kristopher waits for Dad, who is blowing his nose.

Gemma is crying because she has fallen trying to ride her bike without training wheels and her whole family is rushing over to make sure she’s ok (I especially am leaping into action, bottom left). A fire breathing dragon is also approaching, adding to the dramatic scene.

Gemma has now mastered riding a two wheeler but Kristopher decided to try and has fallen – Mom is again leaping to his aid.

Our family eating dinner and drinking smoothies. Kristopher is demonstrating “SOOOO big!” and Theo is copying him.
And this doesn’t even show the half of it, from our family in outer space, people playing every sport we could think of, zoos, Barbie princesses, ice cream trucks, and so much more.
All this activity has sparked a dramatic rise in artistic interest in Kristopher, who loves to be near his sister and, as a result, has spent much of his time lately at our little table where she can be found.
His art takes on a much more abstract flair, but the narrations are no less entertaining. The trouble comes when he asks me to GUESS what he’s drawn, and gets more and more frustrated with my inability to choose the right wild answer. Although, when I get it right, it is worth every guess: “YES, Mom, you’re RIGHT, it IS a snapping turtle!! See?!”
Seriously, I couldn’t make these things up if I tried.
My fridge and my heart are full.
You are SuperMom. I can tell by the extended stretchy arms and the leaping skills. And Carl blowing his nose just made me laugh so hard I had to blow my nose. Love the insight into how her brain works (:
Haha, that picture of me leaping always reminds me of the Mom in “The Incredibles” movie -Elastagirl!
THANK you so much for posting… they are far too cute!!! I have to say that I love Gemma’s descriptions in words and in the drawings… love where she has you leaping to help, and Carl blowing his nose!!! HAHA!!! Good on you for having the kids give it a go… I must admit I am not so good at that!!! I think that it will be something that we will be doing for school in the very near future!!! :)
I adore all of these drawings!!
Oh this is just TOO cute not to comment. Gemma is very advanced! I’m pretty sure Josh can’t even draw like that, and he’s going to grade 1. The captions were highly entertaining to read :)
Haha love these. Gemma’s drawings are incredibly detailed and Kristohper’s descriptions are clearly amazing.
These are so awesome! They brought a tear to my eye because I remember all too well how my two littlest ones used to make these same kinds of pictures. (the printing even looks the same! LOL!) They don’t do it much anymore (they’re now 13 & 12). Good for you for posting these and “documenting” this phase of their lives! Celebrate these little guys! I actually still have some of this art on my bedroom wall. We chose the “keepers” together and the kids still like seeing them up on our “art wall”. I’ve also got photos of some of it over the years. Thanks for sharing! We’ve got a post about all these school papers :)
That is such a good idea – my bedroom really needs some wall art, and the kids would love to see theirs up. Heading over to check out your post now!