Welcome to the 100th post, and the first post for a whole new look!
This blog started as a way to remind me how to write a coherent sentence after having children, and as an experiment to see how much I would enjoy it. Yes, I could READ blogs, especially food blogs, all the livelong day, but would I enjoy actually being responsible for one? Turns out the answer is a resounding YES.
Being very much of the go-big-or-go-home variety, I’m pretty proud I’ve lasted 100 posts without diving headfirst into the whole blogging world, but I’ve discovered it’s actually a pretty amazing community I am proud to be even a tiny part of. Now it’s time to make this blog reflect in looks just how I feel on the inside about family, food, friends, fun…LIFE. Vibrant colour is my passion and inspiration, as are family, organization, honesty, optimism and love. I hope this blog can incorporate all of those aspects into a user-friendly site you want to visit again and again!
Of course I could never have done this by myself, as I did not become tech-savvy overnight. No, it is much better than that – everyone please give a HUGE WELCOME to my amazing, talented, beautiful, fellow go-big-or-go-home sister CHELSEA!!
Not only has she worked hard (along with my magical wizard of a cousin, Jason) to get this site looking awesome, she is also coming on board as a fellow contributor/writer here! I can’t believe I managed to hold out on you this long, given my level of excitement. This means twice as much of everything you’ve come to expect here, from recipes to random fun, with personal asides from both of us.
For those of you who don’t know my sister, you can get to know her just a little here, but I can also tell you that she is the wife of a wonderful soon-to-be-engineer, a brand new mom to a beautiful daughter, a talented artist, graphic designer, seamstress, and pianist, an amazing cook, and an all-round whole lot of fun :) She inherited my Dad’s ability for lightning-quick off-the-cuff puns, and is already planning some posts that are bound to make you chuckle or groan, or both, depending how you feel about puns. She also happens to be gluten-intolerant, so watch for some amazing gluten-free recipes and adaptations in the food department!
As if the new look isn’t enough excitement, we’re also doing our very first GIVEAWAY!
*cue confetti and ballooooooooooons*
There are a few items every cook needs, and of course, many of you will already have well-stocked kitchens, but who doesn’t love something new for the kitchen? I get inexplicably excited about a new frying pan, a pair of tongs, a second set of scissors, or, most recently, my cherry pitter! And hey, some people have no interest in kitchen gadgetry and want something new for their closet or book shelf. Since everyone’s boat takes something different to float, we have OPTIONS.

My fridge and freezer are stuffed full of these handy Ziploc containers, I can never have enough!

Oxo Good Grips Cherry and Olive Pitter – so you can make dessert AND martinis!

Kathryn Stockett’s “The Help” – a worthy addition to any book shelf!

A lightweight Ricki’s scarf, since I am such a huge fan of that store and a scarf is truly one-size-fits-all! (Also available in black or teal).
To enter, simply leave a comment stating which item you would most like to win, and the winner will get the item of their choosing, shipped to their door, ANYWHERE you may happen to live because we’re inclusive like that!
If you want to increase your chances, head on over and like our Facebook page and you’ll get an EXTRA entry! Subscribe to our blog and get another TWO entries! That means a potential FOUR entries and a happy little package will be showing up on your doorstep. And since we’re shipping something anyways, who knows what other little surprises might be in that package?
Contest deadline is August 25, 2011, and the winner will be notified before the end of August, so enter now, and tell your friends to get in on the end-of-summer fun!
Obviously there are always a few kinks to work out and a bit of an adjustment period for everyone…please bear with us and shout out any comments or feedback, we’d love to hear your opinions and what you love and what you don’t about the new look. Thanks so much for reading, and here’s to the next 100!
All giveaways furnished by hiddenponies, just because they’re products we love and use!
August 26 update: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered and congrats to Jolene V. for winning!!
Ooh, I hope I’m not too late – in Australia so not sure of the time difference! I also found you via :) Cherries have just hit our supermarket shelves so I would LOVE the pitter.
I’ve liked you on Facebook and also subscribed by email :)
You got in before I ran the numbers so you’re in, since I don’t know the time difference either! :) My sister-in-law lives in Australia and is always working hard to convince us to come…my husband has been and LOVES it!!
Hee hee, I only found you today, and I’m loving your blog already! I’d love to win the scarf, but I think I’m already a winner just having found your great blog! Thank you!
Aw, thanks so much for the nice comment! Winning twice is never a bad thing :)
Just found your blog through your sister’s facebook “”. I love her patterns and your site looks like fun and looking forward to recipes and laughs! I would love to try out the cherry pitter!
“Liked” and subscribed :) Woot! Can’t wait to see more.
Such a fun and updated look Anna and Chelsea! I enjoy reading your blog, and definitely crack a smile, or full out laugh :) Can I win everything?? The scarf is super cute.
loving your blog so far, Anna + Chelsea – it’s a fun read every post! i’ll go w/ the cherry pitter option. :)
Hey Anna(and Chelsea whom I don’t think I”ve met but you should visit Ottawa so we can meet, unless we have met in which case, I’m sorry but Anna has way too many sisters to keep track of) Anyway, I love your new blog look and would like to win either the scarf or the containers.
Keep it up!
I love this blog – it always brings a smile :) And who doesnt love giveaways?! I’d love the scarf, but I’ve heard the book is amazing, so it’s a tie for me. If I win, suprise me :D Keep up the great blogging!
Oooh, love giveaways! I’m glad I remembered to come back here before the deadline… I would pick the scarf, since I already own the book and can’t see myself pitting cherries. :P Thanks for the chance to win! I like you on facebook too :)
My turn! I’m ‘liking’ your website, and loving the book, The Help, and the pink scarf. Love the website, too! I’m so excited for you that it all came together! :)
LOVE IT! Just caught up on your blogposts Anna, congrats! Your blog is amazing, it looks gorgeous, your sister is hilarious and your recipes are awesome!
My sister just found out she’s celiac, so she’s so excited to see Chelsea’s gluten-free recipes! :)
So much fun to read your posts… I’m new to the site but love it! :) I think I’d have to go with the book or scarf. Oh and I already liked you guys on facebook.
I look forward to many more witty posts:) ‘The Help’ is a great book, but I already own it, so I’d have to go with the scarf :)
I’d have to say the scarf since I have all of the above. And who can’t use another scarf? :)
WOW.. this is quite the number of comments~~ I suppose everyone wants to win a beautiful prize!! You know prizes are always good!!!! SO.. you ship ANYWHERE?!! Does that include me in far off never land??? I’d have to say I would LOVE a new book… AND I haven’t read “The help” yet… but a new scarf is always a good thing as well… BUT… BOOKS are good…!!! Love your new site… looking good… keep up the work!
I love your blog! You always have great recipes!! I could always use more ziploc containers! :)
Look how popular you guys are already. Yay! I say scarf, although I do love me a plethora of containers.
Oh – and I liked you on facebook.
I don’t even know where I came across your blog, but I’m glad I did! Amusing, entertaining and practical when I just don’t know what to cook. I’d have to go with the scarf, but if you asked me for a second choice – definitely the book. Look forward to the next 100 posts!
I love reading your blog Anna, especially the recipes. I would love the win the cherry pitter!
What a aweseom idea to do as sisters. Having four sisters myself, I understand the specail bond sisters can have. If i had to choose from your list it would have to be the scarf. Something that would fit me after my babe is born!!
Love reading your blogs and your recipes. I would choose “The Help” as I haven’t read it yet.
LOVE the new look! Congratulations to both of you on the 100th post! I would go with the cherry/olive pitter for sure… I’ve been looking for one of these forever. I love Greek salad but HATE hand-pitting olives. Martinis, of course, are a side benefit ;)
the website looks fantastic!!! and i’m so excited to see what you two lovely ladies do with this site. (does flattery get me anywhere closer to winning? ;) jk) i’m having a hard time chosing book or scarf, as a girl can always use a new scarf, but how can i say no to a good book?
Looking forward to reading the new contributions Chelsea :) and of course your ever clever ones Anna :) I would definitely pick the scarf :)
Yay! Congrats on your 100th post and congrats on your new sidekick. Looking forward to posts from you both! That’s a tough choice between the cherry pitter and the scarf!
Thanks for inviting me Chelsea! I’m always up for new recipes! I can always use the ziploc containers, but I’m gonna have to go with the scarf! (I have less chance of losing that!)
I Love that you guys put this blog together! I look forward to reading some more and getting in some great ideas! I would love the book based on the fact that I am currently out of reading supplies, the scarf and others on the other hand would be very benificial to me as well. Have fun!
Congrats on your self-hosting move :) I don’t think i’ll be doing that for a loooong time!
My choice would be the book… I could use a new book to read, and that one sounds entertaining :)
Great new look! I have a cherry pitter on my current need list, so that would be my choice. Have a GREAT day!
Good on you guys for putting smiles on peoples’ faces. :) I’m looking forward to catching up on all your entries, especially the recipes. Loving the Cherry Pitter. :)
Your new look is ready…how exciting!!! Looks fantastic…as I knew it would. Did Chelsea actually give you permission to use that picture? :) I won’t enter your contest since, if I win, it could look like favouritism ;)
Indeed she did…although I may have promised it would be very small :)
I loooove the new look! :) And I would love that lovely pink scarf, since I’ve read “The Help.” (and loved it! Have you seen the movie?)
I have not seen the movie, but hope to next Wednesday…I am always nervous about movie/book adaptations! Have you seen it?
the blog is looking great! Awesome job! I would LOVE the scarf (in teal!!), or the book! I already subscribed to the blog and liked your group – before I even read this!!
Yay! The new blog is here! Congrats, I’m totally looking forward to reading both you girls’ entries! I have so many great memories of the both of you making me laugh until tears were streaming done our faces. :)
I would pick the cherry pitter or the scarf. :)
And Deanna, you beat me here because I am hard at work, of course! ;)
Hi Girls! Love the look. And hey, I’m good for winning anything! I love free! (I almost wrote “fred” instead of “free”. How’s that for Freudian slip?)
Lol, Fred is pretty special too :)
Very Cute! I love your new blog, it is inspiring me to make mine better:)
I would love to read the help:)
‘Liked’ your Facebook page!
I would love to read ‘the help’!
Nice new look! And looking forward to hearing from Chelsea too :) Your posts always bring a smile/laugh to my day! … and I’d go with the Help as I haven’t read it yet, and hear it’s good.
YAY for giveaways :) I’d take the cherry pitter please :)
“Liked” you on facebook too!
Nice new site, it looks great! It’s a tough choice, but I think I’d go with the cherry pitter since pitting them by hand for my kids is starting to get old :) (Hi Anna!)
I love reading your blog. Hmm I am going to go with the cherry pitter.. kitchen gadgets are a lot of fun and I just pitted a bunch of cherries by hand last month :)
Welcome aboard Chelsea!! I can’t wait to read more. I would also love to read The Help. Keep posting!
“liked” you on facebook!
I’d have to go with the scarf! But only since I’ve already read The Help. :)
How did I beat Andrea to this? :) If I had to choose from your list of prizes, I’d have to say The Help.
All the best with the blog, looking forward to the day when you guys are the new pioneer women ;)
I love the scarf, and who can’t use more storage containers. The cherry pitter looks fun too!
I love this blog! Can’t wait to read posts from both of you!