A few days ago I was driving and saw a guy driving a Dodge Ram truck with this decal across his entire back window:
I have a pretty lenient sense of humor, I think, but really?
While I recognize that I am clearly not the target audience for this particular truck driver, I’m kind of wondering who IS. Are there girls with low enough self-respect (or low enough literacy rates) that they will think this is adorable? Is this guy single, or worse, popular with the ladies? Worse yet, does he HAVE a daughter? I cringe.
At least guys like this aren’t hard to read – no woman can claim she was surprised by his crude side after he hid it so well while they were dating…if only all the losers could be so obvious, maybe we’d have a lot fewer unhappy marriages in the world.
This, on the other hand, while not totally appropriate and still indicating a certain type of person, is funny:
So there you have it. Funny: Harmless skewing of facts. Not funny: Any use of the word “ram” that does not refer directly to a male sheep.
I’m glad we had this talk. Evaluate your bumper stickers accordingly :)
Were you driving beside me recently? I just saw that one this week too! But Randell has a licence plate cover that says “If you can’t dodge it, ram it.” That’s an acceptable one isn’t it? ;)
Lol, I love people. We should have like on “How I Met Your Mother” with the slap bet, except with the world, that we get three free slaps in our life time, when appropriate :)
haha I so love your posts Anna!
Another bumper sticker was on a lifted truck and it said “Lift your truck. Fat chicks can’t jump!” How awful is that!?! I was mortified!
I saw a great one the other day. This guy was driving a fancy car and on a bumper sticker it said: “Don’t be fooled by the car, my treasure is in heaven”. :-)