You know when you see those big, bakery style muffins in double chocolate, carrot, and vanilla chocolate chip and you just want to have them allllll, even if you can literally see the oil oozing out of their over-stuffed pores? I do. Chocolate chip muffins were my siren call in every box of muffins my […]
Lentil Oat Berry Muffins
Well, how many people resolved over the holidays that the time had come to really commit to their goals to eat healthier, sleep more, exercise better, and all those other equally noble, important things? Yeah, me too. Then I got hooked on Suits the very first week of the new year, and sleep and exercise went […]
Banana Bran Muffins
There’s a large bush on our walk to the bus stop that keeps encroaching further and further onto the sidewalk. Normally this isn’t the kind of thing I would comment on as, not being the type to trim my own bushes, who am I to judge. Except this particular bush always has multiple bees busily […]
#BeEggsquisite: Gingerbread Sweet Potato Muffins
This holiday season, I have a total obsession with gingerbread. I can’t stop. Won’t stop. I’m craving gingerbread like nobody’s business, making gingerbread treats, and watching them disappear to mere crumbs at the corners of my mouth before anyone else in the family has time to realize I baked something. Taking this compulsive consumption into account, gingerbread […]
Bran Muffins
How boring am I today, here to expound the virtues of good ol’ bran muffins. Besides making these boring-in-a-good-way muffins, other tasks done this week included colour coordinating my closet – too much excitement, right? Although seriously, a colour-coordinated closet with only clothes I actually wear and everything else thrown out or donated and every hanger […]
Raspberry Chia Bran Muffins
You just never know what random things will have a major impact on your life, something you never saw coming, something that makes each and every day a little better. My sister swears by bra fittings and eyebrow threading: I add to the list good socks. Good socks, my friends, are something I never had until […]
Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins with Streusel Topping
My rhubarb plant surprised me this year. A chunk broken off my sister-in-law’s “weed” after it had met the garbage can last year, transferred from said garbage can to a bucket on my front step to (several days later) my actual garden, then transplanted this year when the garden was re-vamped, this is one hardy […]