Spring in the Fraser Valley is a beautiful thing. Despite everything else going on in the world, both far away and close to home, I’m so thankful for the incredible part of the world I get to call home, and the fabulous people I get to share it with. A little of what we’ve been up to before this early summer turns back into spring rains…
An Easter Monday hike to put our feet in the sand.
Some went further and put their feet in the water…brrr.
We have a new two-wheeled biker!
He’s excited to join his experienced big brother.
The longer evenings mean playing outside in pajamas…
And in our Sunday best.
We’ve been snake and frog hunting…
And found both!
We added a second pair of glasses, as we noticed Gavin closing one eye at times while he was reading – we had to take a picture since neither of them wears their glasses full time so I rarely see them looking like this!
Did some more online worship (and this past Sunday we did our first drive-in/outdoor worship!)
We got the sprinkler going for some contained water fighting…they were down to one person allowed at a time on the trampoline to save our poor neighbours (and me) from the constant fighting, but there’s something about water that brings out the peace in people, even when they’re holding guns.
Our house has become full of music – Gemma has officially passed the stage of tedious practicing and piano has become a relaxing hobby, one of her first choices when she has spare time.
And this little guy continues to be a delight to spend my days with. He’s turned into quite the little homebody, and on the days when we don’t have an extra playmate to watch and he isn’t away while I work, he just wants to stay home and putter and eat popcorn, just like his mama :)
But as much as we enjoy our quiet, we’re always ready for the kids to come back.
These are our ordinary days, and I love them.
Love this post and all of you so much❤❤❤