My baby turned 4 last week, and suddenly the word “baby” doesn’t seem to apply anymore. I mean, he still wants all the snuggles and gets jealous if one of his siblings is sitting too close to me, but he sleeps all night, doesn’t nap every day anymore, and very rarely needs to be carried unless he’s just crashed face-first into the pavement with his hands in his pockets (hello last time we tried to go for a walk).
I always said I didn’t want my baby to be “babied,” and I’m still determined not to let him grow up too entitled, but it’s certainly an extra challenge when everyone always tells him he’s adorable and amazing and there’s no competition besides the cat for cutest in the house.
But then, if he really is adorable and amazing (obviously he is, good genes I guess ;)), what can you do.
He loves to draw, build, swim, listen to stories, and play games. He still crawls in beside me just before 6:00 almost every morning, and expects one of us to sit down and snuggle him every day in the midst of making breakfast. He is generous with kisses, hugs, candy, and toys. He is happy to run errands, eats most foods, and is generally just easy to have around. Happy, happy birthday Jack-Jack.
Sooo cute!! Can’t believe he turned 4 already!! Craaazy!!