I’m down to just two at home full-time this year, and Carl asked me multiple times in the first two weeks of school what it was like to have only two to take care of.
My answer?
Basically the same as all five.
Also, please stop asking in a way that suggests you expect an increase in my productivity levels.
I love having my bigger kids home…they’re helpful, good conversationalists, and mostly good dressers. Good people to have around, I’d say.
The little ones? I love them dearly, but they’re 90% of the work. One has learned the trick of moving furniture to reach new things and is determined to fall from a slightly higher height each day. The other has no concept of “independent play” and is distraught by the idea of set snack and meal times. So my days carry on, no shorter on cuteness, but no longer on productive time.
This is about as helpful as they get :)
We have introduced a morning of preschool to the mix, which we’re all pretty excited about.
It’s nice to have a little personal downtime, after all.
Increase in productivity? What’s that? Lol. I have one at home for 50%of the time. On those days when he’s at school, I can get more done. Doesn’t necessarily mean that I do. I miss his chatter on those days as well so I am not sure yet which I prefer.
Good point…the quiet would be strange!
Some days I have none at home….then yes things get done. But when I have 1 at home….yeah no increase.
Besides those kids look sooooo happy. Which means you’ve done a LOT.
<3 Thanks for the encouragement :)
It’s true, the little ones are 90% of the work, especially with no big ones home to keep them amused once in a while. Enjoy it while it lasts but don’t expect too much increase in productivity yet
I’m actually doubtful whether I’ll ever become amazingly productive…what will I do when I don’t have kids as an excuse? ;)