Another beautiful and fun Sports Day for the books!
Hurdles…an important life skill and all that.
Kindergarten long jump is pretty high on my list of most adorable things.
First year of high jump! Blurry picture, but the event she wanted captured.
Crossing the finish line in second place on his favourite event, the long distance run. Are we even related?!
Gavin got some practice in for his turn in a couple years…
And the littlest and biggest kept a good eye on it all.
While I have yet to understand the concept of high jump or the value of long distance running, I love seeing my kids have so much fun and be so sportsmanlike on the incredibly beautiful property we are blessed to have our school on.
This is a sign to me that the school year is close to wrapping up, and we are ready to straggle our way through the home stretch for the promise of relaxed schedules and appies for lunch that is just around the corner. :)
Love the pictures and everyone in themā¤ And look at that view of the mountains behind Carl!