Snow is a rare occurrence around these parts, so it definitely warrants a bit of picture-taking.
I played the basically-9-months-pregnant card and stayed snugly indoors for the most part with the littlest, who discovered that mittenless snow playing was really only fun for a matter of minutes before the pain set in. I hate to say I told you so, Gavin, after all that time it took me to get you outfitted, but, y’know…
Carl took the kids sledding on Saturday but (wisely) didn’t bring the camera despite my desire for video. I had to trust the happy, rosy faces and Theo’s exclamation that “Sometimes on the sled I didn’t even TALK, I just WAFFED and WAFFED!” I don’t doubt it, given that he was this excited when it had only just begun :)
There’s nothing like being cozy on the inside while it snows and blows on the outside.
LOVE!!!! I can just picture Theo….!!
You had me laughing at “waffed and waffed”