Am I the only person who considers the sound of rifling through Lego a complete assault on the senses? It is all I can do not to curl into an over-stimulated ball as the rest of the family searches, with what appears to be deaf enthusiasm, for every.single.small.piece. Gavster, I won’t be upset if you eat more than your fair share of them.
Thankfully there is nothing like the sight of all your boys snuggled up reading Beauty and the Beast to calm frazzled Lego nerves.
The best enemy of Lego is distraction, so we made Christmas cookies (with, by the way, a new sugar cookie dough that was all sorts of fabulous and by no means made it close to lasting until Christmas).
Put your back into it!
Movies and snacks are another good distraction.
And when all else fails and they’re all playing with Lego, digging and scraping through piles of pieces at the same time, I focus on the fact that no one is fighting, and read notes like this and tell myself Yes, yes you are the best mom ever. Every quiet-embracing introvert who allows Lego may officially claim this title henceforth and forevermore.
Worst sound ever
So sweet :)
Ha, yes! I totally agree about the lego rifling. We just moved the piano downstairs and the unharmonious jangling of the keys is also reinforcing my need for silence. (James, who has been very interested in what he and dad are getting me for Christmas, has been suggesting things like ‘quiet children and a clean house’, as apprpriate gifts, ha!)
Love Gemma’s note for you! Happy birthday!
Awwww, love that sweet note. <3