So this happened last week.
Gemma was home sick from school, so what better time to pull out the tree? Don’t let the tank top and shorts fool you, it is very much turning into winter.
The kids are so into it, and Theo especially didn’t remember much from last year, so every new item he pulled out was worthy of much enthusiasm and admiration.
He showed surprising delicacy and focus.
Gavin not as much on the delicacy, but still cute and in on the action.
The tree is all red and gold and glittery and matchy, so Carl decked the banister with rainbow lights and all the other colours went there.
The cat hasn’t even bothered with the tree – he was in his glory, surrounded by people he loves, on a piece of just-crinkly-enough tissue paper. As good a time as any for a nap.
We are getting in the Christmas spirit early, and loving it :)
You’re making special memories and teaching traditions they will continue with their own families…so special :)
Dare I say it… you’re as bad as Walmart! (I assume… not like I ever go there.) Christmas decorations are best left till around, oh I don’t know, DECEMBER!!! Preferably the 24th. And packed away by the 26th or so (or if you’re like me and can’t be bothered, February).
Okay fine, maybe I’m just sore that you’re so on the ball. Nice job!