This little stinker is trying to set a family record for slowest to walk. At 14 1/2 months, he is thrilled at all the hullabaloo that results from a simple solitary stand, but he doesn’t show the least bit of interest in walking alone. Granted, he has almost a month before he beats his big brother, but I think he’s determined.
Walking with a friend is just so much more fun. Look at that ridiculous forward lean. Gavster, you are not even taking this seriously.
He feels his time and energy are better spent climbing.
Looking out the window is his favourite pastime, so we help by taking a cushion off the couch for easy access and less traumatic descents. My sister was kind enough to teach him how to navigate stairs while she babysat one day, so at least he knows to fall off feet first.
I remind myself of all those “you’re gonna miss this” blog posts as he breathes slobbery bubbles onto the windows and makes perfect pudgy handprints in their wetness.
He is well into the Very Helpful phase, where I can get virtually nothing done while he’s awake, unless I want all my clean dishes dirtied, my dirty dishes licked, or my laundry strewn from one end of the room to the other before he sits on any remaining laundry in the basket to give it a proper wrinkling.
Miniature people…so annoying, yet so completely easy to love.
GAH! He is SO cute. My daughter was this age only a little over a year ago, but it already seems so far in the past. While I love her age now (2.5), I loved that waiting-for-those-first-steps phase. Such an exciting time! I will say, your little guy seems luck much more of a climbing daredevil than my little lady was/is. I bet that’s a boy thing! =)
Ha, so helpful. Eli loves to “help” too! This usually involves climbing into the dishwasher, as he is currently obsessed with cutlery. :)
I still can’t get over how much he looks like you did at that age. The second picture, especially! Put him in your old clothes and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference! Super cute just like his mommy :)
Cute little munchkin, keep him little, he’ll be grown up soon enough sure can see he’said a cousin to Josh!