Theo has reached such a fun age, the age where he has stopped tempting death by hunting down marbles and Lego to put in his mouth, and turned instead to new, more mature endeavours. I feel like he figures out something new every day – unfortunately it isn’t things like new words, how to eat neatly, or how to mow the lawn.
It’s things like how to make use of a stool.And how to conquer a newspaper left behind by your negligent parents.
Then there’s always a new way to harass your ever-patient big brother – for example, insisting on sharing his chair despite him having just vacated the expanse of available couch to avoid your grips. I love Kristopher’s face in his hand…he’s totally given up and doesn’t even react anymore.
He has mastered the art of taking over the train table so no one else wants to play anymore.
And he is always, always perfecting his angelic post-bath baby look, knowing it makes him completely irresistible to his easily-swayed mama.
Glad he kept learning those tricks until he was back home! Who am I kidding? Sure do miss you all, especially those special wrap around the legs hugs every morning from Theo. I’ve tried to get Dad to do it but he can’t down that far ;) Love the pictures!
We miss you all too! We need a couple extra sets of eyes to keep Theo safe :)
He is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE THIS POST!!! Can’t WAIT to meet this little guy!!!!!