“Yook at that yuuuuuge pile of yawndry! Ooooooh, can I touch it? Can I?”
With those words, and an awestruck expression, Kristopher carefully climbed onto the kitchen table the other morning to investigate the tower of clean “yawndry” overflowing my laundry basket after a night of washing everything I could get my hands on, from seasonal duvet covers to shower curtains to stuffed animals.
Now I’m eyeing every closet in my house with serious intent to organize, wondering which furniture should be moved or removed from the house, and planning a painting for the living room wall. I’ve never really “nested” before, so I’m thinking I better take as much advantage of these urges as I can!
Today I’m hoping to get my freezer stocked somewhat with meals instead of just baking in preparation for baby…only one more day of work and a mere 3 1/2 weeks, give or take, until the little one arrives!
Thanks to my fabulous photographer/sister for the photos to commemorate this little one’s time inside :)
Great photos.
I wish I had a big freezer to stock… maybe that is something I will realize I need with kids.
Glad to see you are “cleaning” house. I still have the office to tackle.
I’ve had the freezer for at least a year and this is the first time it’s been close to full…so I guess it wasn’t as much a “need” as I thought :) It was nice this year for stocking up on frozen berries when they were in season though!
Lovely photos! You truly are glowing. :)
You are so beautiful :) Try to fit some rest in there before the big day too :) Love you!
You are gorgeous!!