There are few foods better than fresh, grilled fish.
Just look at that beautiful wild salmon. My walls are kind of this colour; it’s one of my favourites.
I like the flavour of the fish to shine, so I just add some lemon slices, a couple cloves of garlic to roast nearby and give a subtle flavour, a good sprinkle of salt and pepper and some butter. You could do a piece this size with half the butter, but I don’t know why you would ;) Just put it on foil, top with another piece of foil the same size, seal the edges and throw on the grill for 15-20 minutes, until fish flakes easily with a fork. All those flavours will steam together while the salmon cooks in the butter and it’s own juices…yum.
The only problem with salmon is the cost, especially since Gemma absolutely loves it and could eat this whole piece herself if we let her! But I justify the cost with good-for-the-brain arguments; brain health is worth any cost I figure.
I just serve a couple filling sides to make up for the small amount of beautiful fish…I went with Roasted Lemon Broccoli with Parmesan cheese and Rosemary Roasted Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes.
Sometimes the most delicious food really is the most simple and natural.
I’m with Tanya on this one! Totally thought you hated fish and that this post was going to be of a sarcastic nature! Shows how much I know… I’ve never been a big fish fan, but something tells me I’d like Anna-Prepared Fish.
Looks delicious!
Here I totally thought you were one of those people who hated fish. This looks so tasty…
Hey, we had salmon last night as well, love it !
I agree with Sara. I miss the salmon from BC too:( We’ll have to have some for sure when we come for a visit. It is also good BBQed on a cedar plank…yumyum. I’ll buy it and you BBQ it…deal?
That sounds like a very good deal indeed – better save your pennies :) Carl is thinking of taking up fishing just to defray the cost :)
That is one thing I miss about B.C. Fresh fish…any seafood…I love salmon and yes, it’s hard to find a good price…and since I have to buy for 6…we don’t buy it much. Enjoy! It looks delicious!