Today was my sweet little girl’s 3rd birthday!! I can hardly believe it, especially since those terrible twos have yet to really hit.
Looking back, God sure knew what he was doing when he gave me this little girl.
A self-proclaimed non-fan of kids, Carl knew when he married me that kids weren’t too high on my list of goals, so it fell to him to decide when we would take the plunge for fear I would never reach that decision. He is a huge fan of kids, and that was reassuring since at least if I was fairly noncommittal I knew he would be a great dad.
Then along came Gemma.
I had the world’s easiest pregnancy and gave birth to this dainty 6lb 10oz girlie in a relatively painless couple of hours. At about 4 weeks old she slept through the night from 7:00-7:00, woke up to eat, and promptly went back to bed till 9:00. We moved to Ottawa when she was 3 months old, and she slept anywhere and everywhere during the several-week process, unfazed by what could have been a difficult transition. This pretty much sums up everything that followed with this amazing, easy-going little girl.
I thought I would be itching to go back to school and work 5 minutes after she was born, and when the time came that I did I wondered about every sentence I missed and every scrape I couldn’t kiss. What had happened to me?? She won me over the minute I held her in my arms, just like everyone promised and I didn’t believe till it actually happened.
Now I couldn’t believe more that God gives to each person according to what they can handle. He knew I was unsure about the role of motherhood, and was going to have to deal with the stress of moving and not having all my family as close as I would like, and He made the transition as smooth and easy as possible for which I am very thankful.
Gemma amazes us each and every day with her caring heart, helpful nature, beautiful spirit and willingness to listen. There is nothing more uplifting than her little voice singing praise to God, exclaiming “I’m SO glad to see YOU!” when we walk in the door, and calling “Yuv you!” out her bedroom door. We could not have asked for a more perfect fit for our family and look forward to, God willing, many more years watching her grow in Him.
Some pictures through the years…
And some more pictures from the “birthday weekend”…
She’s already looking forward to next year…as are we!!
WOW… your love and joy of your child radiates in what you have written!!! I think God has totally worked wonderfully in your life… it is GREAT to see!!! I pray that He will continue to work in your lifes together… through the easy times… but also the hard ones that may come!!! Please give her some big cuddles from her aunty… and cousins… and a GREAT big Happy birthday kiss!!!!! We did not forget about her… things have just been rather crazy here.. (and my telephone line was down… no internet!!!) BUT… we have thought of you this week! And wish that we could just come and get to know her a bit in person!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Much love to you and Gemma (and the men in your life too of course:)). Gemma really is such a sweetie. Glad you had a good celebration. Wish we could have been there to share it. Miss you all very much.
Beautiful post, Anna! Wish we could be there to help y’all celebrate:)
aw :) happy birthday gemma bean :)